Praktek Penetapan Mahar Dalam Masyarakat Aceh Menurut Pandangan Ulama Dayah (Studi Kasus di Kecamatan Paya Bakong Kabupaten Aceh Utara)
Masyarakat Aceh, Pandangan Ulama Dayah, Penetapan MaharAbstract
This research is entitled The Practice of Setting Dowry in the Acehnese Community According to the View of Dayah Ulama (Case Study in Paya Bakong District, North Aceh District) and has 2 problem formulations, namely: how is the practice of the Acehnese community in raising dowry and what is the view of the dayah ulama in Paya Bakong sub-district regarding this practice? This paper aims to apply the application of the form and amount of dowry in Acehnese society and the views of Islamic religious scholars, especially in Paya Bakong District, regarding this practice. This study was carried out using qualitative research methods in the form of empirical juridical research, which wanted to find out how legal practices work in society, whether they are in accordance with existing legal norms or not. The data collection method was carried out by observing the research location which is located in Paya Bakong District, North Aceh Regency, then interviewing community leaders and local religious leaders. The results of the study show that the practice of the Acehnese people in paying the form and amount of dowry is: 1) most people determine it on the basis of beauty, wealth, position and education, 2) the form can be in the form of jewelry (gold) plus extra money and tools complete rooms, 3) the amount of dowry ranges from 8-15 Manyam and some exceed it, 4) the form and amount of dowry is determined from the results of deliberations of family members and most of it is according to the wishes of the bride, 5) traditional leaders and clerics are not included dayah in determining the form and amount of dowry. Furthermore, the view of the dayah scholars in Paya Bakong District, North Aceh Regency is that this practice is permissible in religion, because there is no specific law that forbids it. Plus, in Islam itself there are no absolute provisions regarding the amount of dowry, it's just that everything that is used as dowry is not excessive but must have value and benefits.
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