Talak Tiga Sekaligus Analisis Hadis Dalam Kitab Sahih Muslim


  • Chalidin Chalidin Institut Agama Islam Negeri Lhokseumawe




Talak Tiga, Analisis Hadis, Shahih Muslim


This research is motivated by the dynamics that occur in the community, most of husband against wife dropping divorce by talaq three at once. According to scholarly opinions divorces fell three, some scholars said the fall of the divorce. Formulation of the problem in this research is; The first, How does the quality of Sanad and honor traditions divorce three at a time in the Book of Sahih Muslim? Secondly, How mean divorce three at a time according to the hadith in Sahih Muslim? The method used is the research library (library research) that shaped the approach used in this study is Conten method of analysis (analysis tek). The primary data source material, ie data obtained from the study of literature is the book of authentic Muslim books of Fiqh Scholars associated with three divorces. While secondary materials, namely supporting data obtained through leteratur-other literature in the form of books, articles and other fiqh books that have relevance to focus research problems. Data was collected by reading carefully and repeatedly in order to understand in depth and comprehensive then categorize the data to be analyzed. Results show the research is conducted; First, the quality of the chains and Matan hadith about divorce three at a time in the book of Muslims is legitimate and valid muttasil lidhatih, two, three divorces were pronounced at the same time according to scholarly law fell three divorces. Because adhering to the texts of the Qur'an, Sunnah, Qiyas, ijma 'and with attention to practices that occurred in the friend (Umar Ibn Khattab).


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