Analisis Faktor Penyebab Perceraian Dengan Alasan Perselisihan Terus-Menerus Perspektif Fikih Munakahat


  • TM Zainuddin Institut Agama Islam Negeri Lhokseumawe
  • Kuntari Madchaini Institut Agama Islam Negeri Lhokseumawe



Penyebab Perceraian, Putusan Hakim, Fikih Munakahat


Every divorce must begin with a conflict that causes disharmony in the household, so that a sakinah, mawaddah and rahmah family is not achieved. Today, the reasons for quarrels or disputes that occur continuously in the household are often used as reasons for divorce, especially in Lhokseumawe City. Therefore, to find out the causes of divorce for this reason, the author wants to analyze several judges' decisions at the Lhokseumawe Syar'iyah Court. So that the formulation of the problem that can be mapped is: what are the factors causing divorce on the grounds of continuous disputes according to the decision of the Lhokseumawe Syar'iyah Court judge? And what is the perspective of munakahat fiqh on the judge's decision? This study was conducted using qualitative research methods with conceptual and statutory approaches. The aim is to find the causes of divorce on the grounds of persistent disputes and analyze them from the perspective of munakahat fiqh. The results of this study are: the causes of divorce with the reasons for persistent disputes including the economy, infidelity, polygamy, not having children, temperament and lack of religious knowledge so that they neglect household obligations. The judge analyzed that these causes had sparked continuous disputes. As for fiqh munakahat, divorce that occurs with the reasons above does not conflict with the causes of divorce which are permitted in Islam.


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