The article seeks to reveal problems faced by Islamic education from the
perspective of Maqâs}id al-Sharîʻah, namely ideological (h}ifz}al-dîn),
practical (h}ifz}al-nafs), academic (h}ifz}al-‘aql), relationships or networks
(h}ifz}al-nasl), vocational (h}ifz}al-mâl) and quality (h}ifz}al-‘ird}) aspects. In
order to know the details of crucial problems of the Islamic education along
with their alternative solutions, this paper suggests that the Islamic
education should consider the insider’s and outsider’s perspective which has
four types of roles as follow: a) complete observer; b) observer as participant;
c) participant as observer; d) complete participant. This article proposes
three important implications, are: first, the problems of the Islamic education
can be categorized and mapped based on Maqâs}id al-Sharîʻah, in order to
ease the analysis of such problems. Second, the analysis of the problems
should be based on the insiders’ and outsiders’ point of views, so that it
would be able to comprehensively detect the problems of Islamic education
and show the inclusiveness of the Islamic education. Third, problem solving
alternatives should be oriented at the level of theological (faith and religious
[îmân]), theoretical (philosophical and empirical [‘ilm]), practical (learning
and teaching [‘amal]) and moral (ethics and aesthetics [akhlâq]) realms.