Productive Waqaf: Development Strategy in History


  • Panetir Bungkes Institut Agama Islam Negeri, Takengon, Indonesia



Development Strategy, History, Productive Waqaf


This research aims to discuss the development strategy of productive waqf in history. As for the formulation of the problem of this research is how the strategy of developing productive waqf in history, the writer uses descriptive analysis method with qualitative research type. As for the results obtained, if waqf as a prospective institution supports the community's economy, it is necessary to take strategic steps for its development. Government (umara '), figure society (ulama'), and Muslim society at large need to undertake strategic steps to develop and empower waqf and institutions' potential to positively impact life, economic, social, educational, and cultural communities.


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How to Cite

Bungkes, P. . (2021). Productive Waqaf: Development Strategy in History. THARWAH: Journal of Islamic Civilization and Thought, 1(2), 129–144.