Relevance of Hijri Clock as A System of Determining the Time of Worship


  • Hasna Tuddar Putri Institut Agama Islam Negeri Lhokseumawe



Hijri Clock, Standard Time of Worship, Fiqh , Time of Worship


The time of worship for Muslims has been determined in the Quran and the hadiths. It is still explained explicitly without a definite method. Science exists to bridge this explicit explanation to make it easier to understand. One of the achievements of science is the birth of the conventional clock as a system for marking the time included in the time marker of Muslim worship. Muslims try to make clocks to complement the hijri calendar as an identity like the masehi calendar which has a conventional clock. But in reality the concept of the hijri clock is not as well established as conventional clocks that have been tested for years. Judging from the aspect of fiqh, the system for determining the time of worship can use any method as long as the time conditions specified in the Al Quran and hadith are fulfilled. Scientifically speaking, the concept of hijri hours must be resetting the geographic position of the area which consequently changes the entire time which has an impact on the schedule of worship times significantly, and this takes a long time. This change can confuse society. Using of hijriah hours as a determinant of worship time must also pay attention to the characteristics of an area so that it can be applied properly. Seeing this, the hijri hour needs to be reviewed to be used as a system of determining worship in terms of benefit, so that it is more relevant to be used as a standard time of worship for Muslims.


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How to Cite

Putri, H. T. (2021). Relevance of Hijri Clock as A System of Determining the Time of Worship. THARWAH: Journal of Islamic Civilization and Thought, 1(2), 160–172.