Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of Multinational Companies with the Concept of Maqashid Al-Shari'ah in Environmental Fiqh (Fiqh Al-Bi'ah)
Case At PT. Tirta Investama (TIV) – Aqua Klaten
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Fiqh Al-Bi'ah, Maqashid Al-Shari'ahAbstract
Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) at PT. Tirta Investama-AQUA Klaten which has a shady umbrella IWRM (Integrated Water Research Management) is an integrated water resource management and integrated in sub-watershed (Watershed) Pusur which is dividedinto 3 areas namely Hulu-Tengah-Hilir. Each region has a different program. In the Upper region is focused on environmental conservation with tree planting, bioporous hole rorak, making infiltration wells and others. In the central region, where the program focuses on community empowerment, and downstream areas focus on agriculture. CSR implementation of PT. Tirta Investama-AQUA Klaten has fulfilled sharia maqashid based on five main protections, namely protecting religion, protecting the soul, protecting reason, protecting offspring, and protecting property has been run in accordance with maqashid al-sharia in environmental fiqh (fiqh al-bi'ah), so that the benefit of the people (maslahah mursalah) of the program is achieved.agree, however, that the order of the characters in the Qur'an is not obligatory.References
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