Analisis Kesulitan Siswa SMA Terhadap Materi Statistika
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Based on the research objectives that have been set in the introductory section, this study explains "Difficulties of High School Students with Statistical Materials". Research shows that 18 articles published between 2015 and 2023 address high school students' difficulties with statistics. This study is a literature review. The purpose of this study is to describe, explain or describe and conclude high school students' difficulties with statistical data. In this study, the difficulties of high school students were based on research published in the form of article documents by previous researchers with statistical data. Therefore, the researcher conducted a literature review of several articles, totaling twenty articles. These articles were randomly selected from national and international journals and internet research. One of the characteristics of classroom action research is the process of conducting research in a continuous cycle, which is designed to be two cycles, and each cycle has four stages, including: 1) activity planning, 2) activity implementation, 3) observation. and interpretation of action followed by analysis and evaluation and 4) reflection. Based on the results of the research described above, students' difficulties in solving math problems related to statistics are very different. Everyone has a different way of thinking. The success of learning is determined by many factors, apart from the students themselves and the infrastructure, the teacher factor is very decisive, because the teacher determines the direction and helps students with learning difficulties.
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